Tuesday 6 March 2012

My 2nd award....

How exciting.....the lovely Claire has sent me an award, Thank you so much Claire....This award is for people who are fairly new to the blogging world and who have less than 200 followers (I would love more of you lovely people to follow me though)

There are a few stipulations to accepting this award; I need to link back to the lovely Claire, I need to give the award  to 5 fellow bloggers and leave them a comment to let them know.  My five lovely people are;

And now.......heres the precious award.....

I am off  now to do some housework and then disappear into my sanctuary...otherwise known as my craft room....
Thanks for stopping by,
Take care


  1. Thanks so much Clair, I'm really touched that you thought of me!

  2. OOOO your welcome...its nice to recieve something when your on low followers... it is nice to see that someone reads the waffle about our works of art...very well deserved I think... keep up the good work... am sure your followers will increase..
    CLaire x


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it really makes me smile.