Thursday 14 July 2011

My first award....

Wow, wow, wow.

I have a lovely blogging friend who has very kindly awarded me this......and boy, it made me smile!!!

I am fairly new to this whole blogging malarkey but am loving it and wish I could spend more time crafting but I am really chuffed with is award, Thanks Claire.  (Listen to me......sounds like an Oscar acceptance award!)

Now, I have two jobs to do to be worthy of keeping this and I am going to fail the first one (not good!) I have to forward this award onto 8 other people....As I flit about blogging land I haven't become a follower of too many blogs but I can award 7 other hope thats acceptable.

So, here no particular order...

1) Back to Claire - She is my only follower (other than my Mum and I'm not sure that counts!) and we met though MIM.  She lives in sunny Portugal and makes lovely cards despite her lack of supplies.
2) Amanda - Amanda Fowler....what can I say...she is the lady responsible for getting me into stamping in the first place.  She is a Stampin Up demonstrator and is hugely talented.  Thanks for everything my lovely friend.
3) Paula - Paula was one of the first blogs I came across.  Another hugley talented lady who designs for a number of people, Joanna Sheen, Crafter Companion to name a couple.
4) Julie - Another Stampin Up demonstrator.  She makes it all look so simple.... 
5) Pauline - I met Pauline (some time ago) through a mutual friend and she lives locally to me.  She does some stunning work and I hop over to admire her work all the time.
6) Lisa - I haven't followed Lisa for that long and came across her on another blog hop but again she does some lovely work.
7) Helen - This is a lady after my own heart....she like a bargain and boy, does she get lucky...She seems to make all her bargains look fab too.

Wow, that was tough but the next bit is even harder and possibly boring..sorry!  I now have to give you 7 facts about myself...yawn (I'm really not that interesting!)

1) My day job - I am a qualified Pharmacy checking technician.  I currently work two days a week in a busy community pharmacy.

2) I used to tap dance.  I would still go but another hobby has taken over at the moment(!) and  have been in two shows in a local theatre.

3) I have swum the Bournmouth to Boscombe pier challenge.  My friend and I swam pier to pier for the British Heart Foundation.  Before you was flippin tough and I would never do it again!!

4) I am the youngest of six children and they all think I am the most spoilt!!!

5) I have family in Australia and my cousin has just had a booked published.  I have been once, many years ago, and would love to go back sometime.

6) I can't cook.  I wish I could and I do try but it's never really that successful. It's edible but I wish it was better.  I keep saying I am going to go to evening classes but it never seems to happen - one day maybe!

7) I am very happy with my life.  I love my husband probably more now than ever (we've been together nearly 18yrs),  I have the two best boys in the world (although I would not always agree with that statement) and I am very content with how my life is panning out.  I want nothing more than for that to continue, for my children be happy with their life and become the best men thay can be and for me and my husband to grow old together.....

I'm not sure what has come over me....I'm not normally that slushy but oh well, it needs to be said occasionally.  Thanks again Claire.
Thanks for stopping by xx


  1. Your very welcome..keep making them cards... they are stunning..and I hope one day you do that cooking course... but the more you cook and the more you experiment the better you will get

  2. Hi Clair, thanks so much for thinking of me for this award! Yes I remember the SU party at Helen's, so glad you found my blog! Thanks once again xx


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, it really makes me smile.