Wednesday 17 August 2011

Well, Well.....

What a week it has been....Had a fantastic time away, really chilled with lots of laughs!!! 
I had two lots of  lovely news whilst away and although I'm not that superstitious I do think these things come in threes and I've just had it so I'm all happy, happy, happy!!!

The first was my friend has had beautiful twin girls, the second was a good friend got offered the job he was desperate for and  tonight the third is my friend has got engaged!!!!  So, all in all, a very good week for them!!!

On the downside though, years ago, before I had the boys, I had problems with my wrist (constant pain) and wore a splint for weeks at a time .  Eventually it was put in plaster to immobilise it completely.  It seemed to do the trick but right now the pain is back and its agony!!!  Really struggling with everyday things which is harder now because the boys still need stuff doing.  Before when I had the pain I only had me to consider.  Oh well, enough complaining woman!!!!!

I have managed (only just!) to do a card........not really, it was fine but I think I will be taking it a bit easier for a while.  This is for a friends little girl.

I'm sure she will love it as thats exactly what she does......she is 5 going on 15 and it makes me thankful I have disrespect to anyone who has gorgeous girls but boy do they scare me!!!!!

Got a busy few days planned before our holiday next week and a doctors appointment tomorrow to hopefully sort me out....fingers crossed!
Thanks for stopping by

Take care xxxx

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